And this is just the beginning of the job. You can help us.
We took more than 0 images.

We enlarge the Foundation's archives every day. At the end of each week, camera operators submit their work to our headquarters for processing. Our goal is to make the entire collection available, but it requires a lot of work and resources. Currently, only a small part of the images are available online, but with your help we want to change that.

Efekty są dostępne dla każdego  odwiedzającego pod zakładką Archive. For free.

Jeżeli chcą Państwo wesprzeć działalność Fundacji Chrońmy Dziedzictwo, zachęcamy do przekazania dobrowolnej darowizny. Całość zostanie przeznaczona  na cele statutowe, którymi są przede wszystkim:

  • Digitization of sources containing historical information
  • Processing of information collected
  • Maintaining disk space and servers thanks to which we provide materials on this website
  • Website development and new functionalities
We would like to sincerely thank you for all the support you have shown. 
Natural and legal person who make a donation, one-off or jointly, in the amount of at least PLN 1,000 will be awarded the title of Benefactor of the Foundation.



Fundacja Chrońmy Dziedzictwo

95 2490 0005 0000 4500 4435 1918

Alior bank S.A.

Title: Donation

Fundacja Chrońmy Dziedzictwo seated in Lublin. Niccolo Paganini st. 23/125, 20-850 Lublin. Entered in the register by the Lublin-Wschód District Court in Lublin with its seat in Świdnik, VI Commercial Division of the National Court Register. KRS number: 0000470829.

© 2021 Fundacja Chrońmy Dziedzictwo